Professor Robert Phillips

Robert Phillips is George R. Gardiner Professor in Business Ethics and Professor of Sustainability at the York University’s Schulich School of Business in Canada. Prior to Schulich he held positions at the University of Richmond, University of San Diego, The Wharton School, and Georgetown University.
His work has appeared in Business Ethics Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, and the Academy of Management Review among others. He is the author of Stakeholder Theory and Organizational Ethics (2003).
He has served as Consulting Editor at Journal of Business Ethics and Associate Editor at Business & Society. He has held leadership positions in the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the International Association for Business and Society and is past president of the Society for Business Ethics. He is Director of the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at Schulich.
I am most interested associational responsibilities – when, why, and to what extent are actors (companies) responsible for the actions of others with whom we do business? And historic corporate responsibility – to what extent are contemporary companies and managers responsible for the actions and practices of prior iterations of the company?
Read more about Professor Phillip's take on business ethics.